Apply for University > Codes Of Conduct

Codes Of Conduct

Last updated 10/11/22

These Codes of Conducts must be read by all Users with consideration and agreement in conjunction with The Apply Group Ltd.’s other Policies and Terms & Conditions, which will provide context and definitions.


These Codes of Conduct apply to The Apply Group Ltd’s Website(s), as defined in the Company Terms & Conditions, connecting existing university students and alumni (Mentors/Tutors) with potential applicants (Students/Applicants) and their representatives (inc. parents, legal guardians, schools) as well as potential employers. When we refer to, “we, us or our” in this Codes of Conduct then we are referring to:

Code of Conduct for Students/Applicants:

The following behaviours/conduct are expected of all our Students/Applicants to ensure all Tutors/Mentors and Students/Applicants continue to feel safe and are free to study and communicate in a supportive environment, below is a list of what we expect from our Students/Applicants:

Be Respectful. Respect is an important part of cultural exchange. Respect is to be shown to all Tutor/Mentors and staff members including but not limited to their: culture, English level, religion, age, gender, or sexual preference. I will use respectful language, physical gestures, and a respectful tone of voice during Tutor/Mentor lessons and while participating in activities.

Code of Conduct for Mentors/Tutors:

Essence Summary

This document must be read by all potential or existing Mentors/Tutors before they start any Services on Our Website(s) during the registration process. It will outline the behaviours and attitudes that we expect our Tutors/Mentors to adhere to whilst in any communication with any of our Users (inc. Students/Applicants, Parents/Guardians or other stakeholders).

General Standards

Ensure advice, mentoring, tutoring, general guidance or any other related Services agreed to by Students/Applicants is high-quality, error-free, informed by first-hand knowledge of the Student’s/Applicants’s requirements.

Be solutions-oriented by raising any Student/Applicant issue immediately to Us, where possible. If possible, identify the cause(s), possible solution(s) and proposed solution(s).

Use good judgement aligned with Our values to ensure a strive towards a successful university application journey. Be approachable to all potential and existing Students/Applicants, clients, and partners which enables them to feel comfortable asking questions and providing feedback to you.

Effective Communication General Standards

This Website contains links to other third party websites, such as for appointment bookings and payments, which are not under the control of Ours and are not maintained by Us. These links are provided for their convenience only and We are not responsible for the content or availability of those websites.

Team Contribution General Standards

Our reputation has been successfully built and maintained through the efforts of our employees and Tutors/Mentors to observe high standards of business conduct. It is important to safeguard the company’s reputation and image at all times.

You should adhere to these high standards by conducting yourself in a manner that will bring credit to the Company and by avoiding any action which would discredit the Company.

Whenever you are interacting with Students/Applicants, partners or vendors (both in-person and online), act in a manner that will inspire public trust in your integrity, impartiality and devotion to the best interests of the company and its customers.

Create a culture of support and hold yourself accountable for both successes and failures. Be mindful of using time efficiently when using shared resources.

Be flexible and adaptable to the changing needs of the Students/Applicants.

Support organisational initiatives, and focus your efforts on ensuring those initiatives create the most value for the overall program. Support for these events and participation is appreciated. Be a role model for your student’s behaviour.


Positive Environment

We endeavour to maintain a positive work environment for staff. Each member or staff, or Tutor/Mentor plays a role in fostering this environment. The following are examples of some, but not all, conduct that can be considered unacceptable:

Punctuality & Attendance

Operating effectively takes cooperation and commitment from everyone. Therefore, your attendance and punctuality are very important. Unnecessary absences and lateness are disruptive to your clients and place an unfair burden on your Students/Applicants and Us, which may result in negative reviews/feedback from a Student/Applicant, Parents/your Clients. We do recognise, however, that there are times when absences and tardiness cannot be avoided. In such cases, you are expected to verbally notify your Student/Applicant/Client and Us as early as possible.

Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs

We operate a no smoking policy. Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes or vaporisers, is prohibited during online Tutor/Mentoring, We operate a zero-tolerance policy on being under the influence of alcohol or non-prescriptive drugs whilst working or engaging in workplace affairs.

Students/Applicants shall be ‘Fit to Work’ whether at the school or at another off site location as a representative of Ours and its services. ‘Fit to Work’ means that an individual is in a physical, mental, and emotional state which enables the individual to perform the essential tasks of their work successfully or in a manner that does not threaten the safety or health of oneself, co-workers, property, or the public at large.

Conflict of Interest & Business Ethics

It is Our guidance that all Students/Applicants avoid any conflict between their personal interests and those of Ours. The purpose of this is to ensure that Our honesty and integrity, and therefore its reputation, are not compromised. The fundamental principle guiding this section is that no Student/Applicant should have, or appear to have, personal interests or relationships that actually or potentially conflict with the best interests of the Company.

It is not possible to give an exhaustive list of situations that might involve violations of this guidance. However, the situations that would constitute a conflict in most cases include but are not limited to:

This guidance is not intended to prohibit the acceptance of modest courtesies, openly given and accepted as part of the usual business amenities, for example, occasional business-related meals or promotional items of nominal or minor value. It is your responsibility to report any actual or potential conflict that may exist between you (and your immediate family) and Us.

Use of Facilities, Equipment and Property, Including Intellectual Property

Equipment essential in fulfilling your role as a Student/Applicant. You are expected to have your own equipment that has the most appropriate security features.

Clients, Students/Applicants must not use the platform for their own course work/assignments/writing exercises. The platform is for the sole purpose of providing lessons/mentoring sessions to Students/Applicants for a Service and Tutors/Mentors must not suggest to offer assistance for any other reason.

Students/Applicants also are prohibited from any unauthorized use of the Our intellectual property, such as audio and videos, print materials and software, blogs, or other documents.

Dress Code

You are expected to report to work clean and dressed according to the requirements of your position/expectation from Us and your Student/Applicant/Client. Generally, the dress code for the Mentors/Tutors is smart casual, unless informed otherwise.

Please dress appropriately and bear in mind the international Mentees/Tutees that you will teach/mentor and their different cultures. Students/Applicants should ensure they adhere to Our dress code and be aware of the effect of their appearance on Mentees. They should also be extra sensitive when Tutor/Mentoring any Mentees under the age of 18.

If you attend an online session dressed inappropriately, you may be removed from registering onto Our platforms in the future.

Publicity/Statements to the Media

All media inquiries regarding the position of the company on any issues must be referred to Us. No Student/Applicant, unless specifically designated by a company Director are authorised to make those statements on behalf of Us. Any Students/Applicants wishing to write and/or publish an article, paper, or other publication on behalf of the Company must first obtain approval from a company Director.

Leaving the Platform

Should you decide to leave the platform, we ask that you provide written notification to Us. You will be expected to teach out any remaining lessons you have booked with your Tutees/Mentee.

Physical Contact

It is Our guidance to advise against any physical contact with Mentees. However, we recognise that there may be circumstances where this is unavoidable, and some exceptions exist, but it is crucial that Students/Applicants only do so in ways appropriate to their professional role. Please see the Safeguarding Policy for more details and the possible exceptions regarding physical contact.

Cultural Sensitivity & Discrimination

Our organisation values the individuality of all our Students/Applicants, clients, and partners. We are committed to giving all members of our community every opportunity to be the ‘best they can be’. Within our environment of learning and healthy interaction, we do not tolerate any lack of sensitivity, disrespect, bullying or harassment of any kind or any form of discrimination due to age, religion, sex, race, or sexual orientation. These provisions apply to all employment-related interactions including recruitment, selection, promotion, change of position, termination of contract, compensation, training, and in general, all working conditions.


All Tutors/Mentors must be aware of the potential dangers of personal contact (i.e. contact beyond what is reasonably expected in performing your agreed Services) with Students/Applicants, and the following advice from child protection/ teaching agencies:

Students/Applicants may be able to find information about the personal lives of Tutors/Mentors that may be inappropriate for minors and may damage the working relationship between themselves.

By allowing Students/Applicants access to friendship groups, Tutors/Mentors may be inadvertently introducing them to a wider circle of adults, over which Tutors/Mentors have no control, and may facilitate inappropriate contacts.

Sexual predators and bullies are known to use the information available on web pages and social networking sites to gain information about children, such as their interests, tastes and location. A Tutor/Mentor who posts information about Students/Applicants (e.g. photos of their summer holiday, names etc.) on a personal web page, including personal profile, public profiles and blog posts on Our platforms may make them vulnerable to inappropriate attention.

Mentor/Tutor Guidance

The onus is on Tutors/Mentors – not the Students/Applicants – to distance themselves from any potentially inappropriate situation. Students/Applicants are clients of Tutors/Mentors. Tutors/Mentors should not attempt to instigate private contact with Mentees of any age at any time.

Tutors/Mentors must not give their personal email/postal addresses or telephone number to Students/Applicants, or ask for theirs, during or after any Services they may provide to the Students/Applicants.

Tutors/Mentors must use common sense and professional judgement to avoid circumstances that could be perceived to be of an inappropriate nature.

Tutors/Mentors must not – by any means or in any circumstances – make, view or access illegal or inappropriate images. Tutors/Mentors must not distribute (by any means) images or information about Students/Applicants of any age. This includes the use of images or details on blogs, social networking sites, messaging systems or any internet sites.


This part of the document will outline the behaviours and attitudes that we expect our Students/Applicants to adhere to.

Use of Social Media

We respect the right of any employee/Tutors/Mentors to maintain a blog or web page or to participate in social networking. However, to protect Our interests and ensure employees focus on their job duties, employees/Tutors/Mentors must adhere to the following rules:

Personal Telephone Calls/Messages

Disruptions during Students/Applicants time can lead to errors and delays. Therefore, we ask that personal telephone calls and text messaging must be kept to a minimum, and only be made or received after Tutor/Mentoring time, or during breaks between Tutor/Mentoring.


Interactions with Minors

We create an online environment where the welfare of children and young people is of paramount importance. All children have the right to protection from abuse regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs. All Students/Applicants, either paid or voluntary, should be aware of and adhere to Our Safeguarding Policy.

All concerns and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to, recorded and actioned appropriately. We have a commitment to safer recruitment, selection and vetting.

All Tutors/Mentors must assume they are in communication with a younger person, below the age of 18, at all times, unless they are informed by the Student/Applicant otherwise.

Responding to a Minor

Stay calm-sometimes issues are raised which, whilst seemingly complex, are generally safeguarding matters and not necessarily a child protection issue.


Tutors/Mentors must avoid actions/situations that might be misconstrued, bearing in mind that even perfectly innocent actions can sometimes be misinterpreted.

Staff, Tutors/Mentors should be aware of the effect of their appearance on other Students/Applicants.

Tutorss/Mentors Must Not:

Personal Relationships/Sharing Personal Information

While we encourage Tutors/Mentors to be friendly and welcoming to all potential Students/Applicants, including their Clients, it is against our guidance to have any intimate relationship with any User, of any age.

If friendships are formed during a Student’s/Applicant’s with us then the Tutor/Mentor should always remember to keep a professional relationship with the Student/Applicant at all times.

Please be aware of the potential dangers of personal contact (i.e. contact beyond what is reasonably expected in performing your duties) with Students/Applicants, and the following advice from child protection/ teaching agencies: